Designing smart structures and utilizing the full potential of additive manufacturing requires a new design approach. Using algorithms complex structures can be generated with for example varying thickness resulting a range of material hardness. I will show you my approach towards designing an insole with multiple material properties using Grasshopper. Working with new materials sometimes… [read more]
additive manufacturing
“Topological optimization: findings from practice” – Presented by Simon Vermeir, Sirris
Additive manufacturing is more and more used to produce functional end-parts. However, success is no guarantee because during the production-technology-switch to AM, the design is not always adapted. However this is crucial to gain from the AM-benefits. A new approach of product design made its entry. Topological optimization is an inspiring way to achieve lightweight… [read more]
“Connected Adaptive Production – From design to final parts” – Presented by Kristian Arntz, ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing becomes an industrial technology nowadays. What started as a rapid prototyping technology then became a media and hobby manufacturers hype finally approaches the factories of the world. While processes, material availability and productivity are getting adult, a crucial lack remains unsolved: realizing integrated IT infrastructures in order to bring together conventional and additive… [read more]
“IP and liability: who cares?!” – Presented by Ernst-Jan Louwers, Louwers IP|Technology Advocaten

Ernst-Jan Louwers will guide you through legal swamps of 3D printing and additive manufacturing. To enable businesses and platforms to operate responsibly, he will share practical tips on intellectual property, new forms of licensing in open design, consequences of changing supply chains, warranty and liability issues. His key message will be: “Be aware of pitfalls… [read more]
New Stratasys Creative Colors Software, Powered by the Adobe 3D Color Print Engine, Maximizes Creativity and Ease of Use

Stratasys Ltd., the 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions company, today announced that it has taken color 3D printing to a new level of realism and accessibility with the release of Stratasys Creative Colors Software, powered by the Adobe 3D Color Print Engine, for its Objet Connex3 3D Printing solutions. The new software solution combines… [read more]
SLM Solutions enters into software joint venture with CADS GmbH

Together with the Austrian software developer CADS, the SLM Solutions Group AG – a leading provider of metal-based additive manufacturing technology (3D printing) – plans to develop design software that facilitates the development of components for customers. Henner Schöneborn, SLM Solutions Management Board member for Corporate Development and Innovation, explained the project: “We have previously… [read more]
Dollo 3D: The next step toward a completely self replicating machine (Video)
A couple of weeks back, I wrote about the Snappy, a new RepRap 3D printer that consists of over 70% 3D printable parts. As the RepRap project’s stated goal is to eventually develop a fully self-replicating 3D printer, the Snappy would mark a significant step towards that goal. After the article, I was made aware… [read more]
3D-Printed Silicone Rubber Robotic Hand Can Grip and Identify Wide Range of Objects (Video)
Robots have many strong suits, but delicacy traditionally hasn’t been one of them. Rigid limbs and digits make it difficult for them to grasp, hold, and manipulate a range of everyday objects without dropping or crushing them. Recently, CSAIL researchers have discovered that the solution may be to turn to a substance more commonly associated with… [read more]
Additive Manufacturing, Alternative Energy Used for Construction of High Tech Experimental Building

At this point, it has become cliche to say that 3-D printing is the fabrication technology du jour. But the innovations keep coming: molten glass as a medium, sky-high kicks, and sweet-sounding musical instruments, to name a few. One thing, however, has remained elusive: 3-D printing at an architectural scale.
3D Printing Process Simplified with Renishaw Build Processor
Renishaw and Materialise have launched what they call “the de facto standard for simplifying the 3D printing process”, the Renishaw Build Processor.