Designing smart structures and utilizing the full potential of additive manufacturing requires a new design approach. Using algorithms complex structures can be generated with for example varying thickness resulting a range of material hardness. I will show you my approach towards designing an insole with multiple material properties using Grasshopper. Working with new materials sometimes… [read more]
TNO Researchers Are Investigating Virtual Material Design in 3D Printing
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has been a popular topic of discussion on the COMSOL Blog and throughout the scientific community. New initiatives have furthered the capabilities of this technology, while extending its reach in various fields of research, manufacturing, and design. With the help of COMSOL Multiphysics, researchers at the Netherlands Organization… [read more]
“Metal AM Design Rules, what every mechanical design engineer should know!” – Presented by Thomas Bossuyt, Metal Technics 3D

A metal 3D printer is just like a CNC milling machine – a tool that executes what it is instructed to do. Thus, the only step in the process affecting the quality of the final printed product is the design and the engineering. Therefore it is extremely important to understand and respect the technologies limitations… [read more]
3D Printing Design & Engineering Conference is part of Dutch Technology Week 2016

The 3D Printing Design & Engineering Conference is part of the Dutch Technology Week 2016, which will take place on May 23-28, 2016.
Modified laser cutter prints 3-D objects from powder (Video)

Rice University bioengineering researchers have modified a commercial-grade CO2 laser cutter to create OpenSLS, an open-source, selective laser sintering platform that can print intricate 3-D objects from powdered plastics and biomaterials. The system costs at least 40 times less than its commercial counterparts and allows researchers to work with their own specialized powdered materials.
New Stratasys Creative Colors Software, Powered by the Adobe 3D Color Print Engine, Maximizes Creativity and Ease of Use

Stratasys Ltd., the 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions company, today announced that it has taken color 3D printing to a new level of realism and accessibility with the release of Stratasys Creative Colors Software, powered by the Adobe 3D Color Print Engine, for its Objet Connex3 3D Printing solutions. The new software solution combines… [read more]
3D Printed Ceramics Using Sound Waves, Created by Dutch Designers (Video)

Olivier van Herpt, like many artists, found himself dissatisfied with the artistic capabilities of traditional 3D printers and 3D printing materials. “When I first started researching 3D printing the technology was an exciting and interesting one,” the Dutch sculptor says. “But, the desktop 3D printers on offer were unable to produce things at a human… [read more]
Beyond the 3D printing hype: Transformative prototyping & customizing mass-produced goods

Despite all the hype around personal desktop 3D printers, consumers never warmed to the idea of machines only really useful for making toys—most kids already have more than enough plastic figurines lying around for their parents to step on. Rather than fuelling a movement of makers and tinkerers, the technology will have its biggest impact in… [read more]
3D printing trends to watch in 2016
Even as the overhyped consumer 3D printing market continues to fall back down to earth, 2016 looks to be a breakout year for the industry as senior executives’ eyes and checkbooks are opening wide to the technology’s potential. The industrial market for 3D printing real end-use parts looks poised to begin its long growth run, with… [read more]
NASA’s 3D Printed Rocket Engine Roars to Life (Video)
A NASA team moved a step closer to building a completely 3-D printed, high-performance rocket engine by manufacturing complex engine parts and test firing them together with cryogenic liquid hydrogen and oxygen to produce 20,000 pounds of thrust.